wine cooler

Do you really need a wine cooler?

When would you really need a wine cooler? When I was first asked this question, I did some digging around online to find out what I considered the best answer. This is where the real work starts.

I had been doing some research for a wine fridge/cooler to see what were the key questions we needed to address before we look for the best ones. This means the one that is right for you.

How many bottles of wine did it need to hold? Did it need to be freestanding or tabletop? This question is of the greatest importance, as it can be the difference between getting it right or not.

Where would you keep it – in the lounge, the kitchen or the garage? How much space would we need for the unit? What sort of lighting will it have?

How much noise does it generate? Make sure that the temperature where you are thinking of putting it needs is fairly constant.

Can we keep different styles of wine in it, for example, red, white or rose? So many questions to cover before we actually decide if you really need one.

If you have champagne, you can use a cooler for short-term storage, but to get the best out of it, the long-term designated storage could be your wine cellar or your wine storage room.

First, what does a wine cooler/fridge do and does it bring any benefit to our wine, in terms of flavour and longevity, of actually keeping the wine in good order?

The space and temperature of the room are of great importance for the success of your wine cooler. It will also make sure that is not costing you more than it should to run it.

If your wine consumption is only a couple of bottles a week that you get from your local supermarket or maybe a local wine merchant, then you probably don’t need one.

However, if you hold a stock of wine, say a dozen bottles or more, it may well be something that you would consider looking at.

Would you really need a wine cooler? If you have a room that stays at a constant temperature of around 11 to 14c or (52 to57f) maybe no.

What are the differences between a domestic fridge?

The answer to that is a definite yes in terms of the range of temperatures that we can set it at. Especially as the temperature doesn’t just impact the taste.

You can control the temperature of your wine in a wine refrigerator/cooler, which would be set between 10 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than your fridge and around 10 degrees cooler than your room temperature.

It is not uncommon to keep white and rose wine in the fridge and the reds in a rack in the room where you may well be drinking them. 

We have long known that we would serve each type of wine at a temperature that suits it.

What is not so well known is that experts recommend that for normal storage, we store all wine at the same temperature. Only bring it out to room temperature the day that you are going to use it.

Whether it is red, white, fortified or sparkling, we should follow this guide, depending on how long you are storing your wine.

Something I had asked–was it alright to store red wine in your wine cooler? The answer is certainly. The ideal temperature for red is 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

So, if you have a dual compartment wine cooler/fridge, you could have your reds in one compartment, with the other wines in the second compartment at the correct temperature.

Well, I guess that by now you will have figured out whether a wine cooler is really necessary for you.

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