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Reusable Wine Carrier Bag That Holds 6 Bottles

If only I had found this reusable wine carrier bag that holds 6 bottles before the last time I had gone shopping, this was at a time when the local supermarket had a great deal on some of their wines. As they do a couple of times a year.

The annoying thing was that there was a great deal on my favourite bottle, I would have bought 6 bottles rather than just the two bottles that I ended up with as I didn't have a safe way to carry them home.

A carry bag for my wine is something that I have always kept in the car it was a fold-up one that you could put into the glove compartment, as you never know when you are going to need it.

But as is the way my bag had just taken too much use and given up the ghost, and looking for a replacement wasn't high on my to-do list until I needed it, just a little too late for the deal that I mentioned earlier.

This would be a useful solution for carrying your wine home safely from your wine supplier, whether it is from your favourite wine stockist or your local supermarket.

It could be great to carry your favourite bottle to a dinner or a picnic where you could also use part of it for your food as well as your drinks. In fact, it is so versatile that you could take on picnics, and your music gigs where ever they may be. In fact, you will find that you will take it where ever you go.

One of the great points of this bag is that you can buy it in seven colours so whatever your favourite colour is there is a good chance that there is one for you.